And that poor child who was also failed when she did not receive comprehensive Sex Ed and so didn’t have the knowledge to understand what had happened to her or tell anyone.

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An 11 year old is probably in 5th or 6th grade. She had probably just started learning comprehensive sex ed at that age and they hadn't really gotten to the big girl stuff yet.

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An 11 year old is probably in 6th or 7th grade. A child who gets to middle school without knowing enough about her body to understand what menstruation is, what her body parts are, and the basics of consent and appropriate touch has absolutely been failed. We start period education in 4th grade, because kids should understand BEFORE they begin puberty. It’s not unusual these days for girls to begin developing breasts and even menstruating by the end of 3rd grade (that’s age 8.) It isn’t “big girl” stuff. This is so important for the safety of our kids.

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She’s 11. Knowing the age appropriate basics of reproduction and realizing she was pregnant herself after a horrific rape are an ocean apart. Adult women are shocked and often in denial after a rape. She didn’t know what to do, and menstruation is usually very irregular at first anyway.

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I think that you are both right. Of course girls need information on menstruation before their periods start but this needs to be age appropriate which is going to be very basic for 7-8 year olds. By age 11 this can be more extensive but no amount of teaching is going to prepare an 11 year old for the onset of her first period followed by rape. That she didn’t know what it do isn’t evidence of a failure of education (except perhaps in the childhood of her rapist) but of deep trauma.

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Devastating. Thank you for the work you’re doing. Truly.

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Thank you

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