May 17Liked by Emily Taylor

Hi! Would love to come to Hot Feminism book club but the Google form is not letting me register.

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I figured it out--it was set to only PC users but I think I've changed it to allow responses from everyone! The link in the newsletter should work, and this one (hopefully). Replying to the newsletter will go to my email, too! https://forms.gle/JPrFHtrpQ8kYBwpU6

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Got it. Thanks!

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I'll put you on the list! I have your email from subscriber list. I wonder if this link will work: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdhdu6o22CahSewAQgdSzh2ujVsrx3PEEBtijKeqcNAjwox9Q/viewform?usp=sf_link

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Hi all! The link to RSVP for the book club should work for everyone now. If not, you can always reply to the newsletter email and it'll go to me. Thanks, looking forward!

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