The SC Supreme Court upholds a poorly defined abortion ban, and the fight continues
If anyone needs a place to stay in a state where critical female healthcare can be had, let me know! I’ve got an extra bedroom.
Thanks!! It’s really horrific how hard it is for people in the South to access care now.
Love the graphics
I would love to offer alternatives, but how? I am happy to offer what I have to see it happen. It disgusts me that we still do not have autonomy over our own bodies. WHO ARE THESE misogynistic egomaniacs that do?!?
If anyone needs a place to stay in a state where critical female healthcare can be had, let me know! I’ve got an extra bedroom.
Thanks!! It’s really horrific how hard it is for people in the South to access care now.
Love the graphics
I would love to offer alternatives, but how? I am happy to offer what I have to see it happen. It disgusts me that we still do not have autonomy over our own bodies. WHO ARE THESE misogynistic egomaniacs that do?!?